Redefine Your Visual Journey With

Photography Learning Portfolio Community Library Exhibition Publication

Rishi On Ride is a non-profit photography learning and publishing platform. All our services are free to access.


The Art of Photography


Build Your Presence


Learn with a Team


Read Books Online


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Blogs & Books

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  • All features
  • No Ads
  • Safe & Secure

All You Need for Your Photography Journey

Support Free Education

Photography Learning Courses

Designed for Robust Knowledge & Effective Outcome

Line Value Space
Visual Character of Colour
Visual Storytelling
Post Process Made Easy
Visual Drama
Visual Harmony
5 Myths of Photography
AI & Future of Photography
Edit Board Made Easy
All About Light
Modern Compostion
Project Management

Start Learning from Home

Live Night Sessions

All our live knowledge transfer sessions start around 9pm - 9.30pm to maintain your work-learn balance.

Recording Access

All sessions are recorded for repeat learning at your convenient time and order.

FREE to Join

All our resources are free to access. Join Discourse membership to access our services.

Extended Support

End to end support for Portfolio, Exhibition, Publication and Print Sale.

Rishi On Ride Core Values

The 5 core values define our approach towards everything we do. It’s the guiding rule behind our every plan of action. We believe in them as we believe in our existence. These are the lines that have built Rishi On Ride. If you realize them, you will find the rational and purpose of our endeavor.

  1. Authentic. Affordable. Effective
  2. More Teaching = Less Learning
  3. Art is a Lifestyle
  4. Discourse is Important
  5. Community Plays Catalyst
Authentic . Affordable . Effective .
More Teaching = Less Learning
Art is a Lifestyle
Discourse is Important
Community Plays Catalyst

Learning Methodology

The Magic of 4C Design

Conceive | Culture | Create | Curate

Art learning should be perfectly mapped with the desired impact. We generally approach learning up to the knowledge transfer process and do not look beyond. As a result you may learn some tricks and trips but never be able to utilize them to the zenith.

With our 4C method, we support end-to-end learning in cohesion with the modern infrastructure. Learning design at Rishi On Ride revolves around four important phases of creation cycle.

Starting with conception of an idea (Conceive), we move towards research and development of the idea (Culture) and prepare for the third stage (Create) to capture the shots. The last stage takes care of the publication and presentation part (Curate) to generate maximum impact.


Conceive an idea worth to be pursued. The idea must be of your interest.


Brainstorm in-scope and out-scope of the idea. Turn it into a photography project.


Capture your shots. Be instinctive. Do not worry about rules while performing.


Edit and curate the outcome suitable for exhibition, blog post or an ebook.

Ensure Regular Learning

Join Rishi On Ride Journey


With our dedicated learning portal and android app, learn photography in balance with your work life. All the sessions are recorded for repeat learning at your comfortable time.


'Nazrana' is our pop-up portable exhibition format that is available for all community members to showcase their work. We have hosted 50+ shows in different districts of Bengal.


Publish your photography ebook through our publication project "2.8". In house experts will guide and support on content and design. Also, your book will be hosted by us.


Learning becomes much more fun when we learn with an active community. Share your ideas freely on our internal social platform dedicated for members.


Go through our curated collection of Photography related books available on internet. The books published by "2.8" Publication showcase works of Rishi On Ride members.


Project "Discourse" opens up the possibilities of new ideas through forum discussions. Engage in the topic that interests you the most and share your views open.

Years of Journey
0 +
Community Members
0 +
Recordeded Sessions
0 +
Hours of Video
0 +

Designed Learning Approaches


Curated Community Learning

Community Learning has been developed to be an interesting method in recent times. A healthy and designed group can nurture and boost your creativity in many ways. BaithakE is FREE to join and will always be free.


Brief Insightful Discussion

Brief discussion session on a specific topic of Photography. Unlike QuickCourse , Webinar is designed with single day session for 2-3 hours. Engage in insightful discourse on contemporary topics of photography.

Quick Course

Compact Online Session

Completely online sessions on a specific topic for 3-5 days. Designed to build conceptual understanding and explore ways of execution. Repeat and learn with lifetime recording access.



Structured with three sessions – Conceptual, Practical & Review. For connectivity and comfort of the participants Conceptual and Review sessions are online. Practical sessions are offline within Kolkata.

Designed Projects

To Support your Photography Journey

Options for Viewer Engagement


Pop Up Photography Exhibition

Portable, open air, pop up photography exhibition format designed for the need of time. Exhibitions can now happen anywhere. Open boundary – Open Space – Open Discourse!

2.8 Publication

Digital Mag & Publication

Digital publication focused on publishing artwork of independent artists. Leave end-to-end design and publication support to us. Explore our Digital Library for ROR Publications and other books on art.


Photography Print Collectible

Create attractive utility prints like calendar, wall decoration, personal exhibits with your photography or artwork. If you wish, sell your work and earn! End-to-end design and sales support on us.


In-house Social Media

Enjoy freedom of expression with our self hosted social media. Share ideas, maintain a professional profile, ask questions with features like – post, profile, group, forum.

Not Just Photography Gear

Upgrade Your Vision

Recent Articles

Member Story

Dear Darjeeling

The name is deeply intertwined with Bengalis and their everlasting love for travel. Nestled in the northernmost part of West Bengal, this charming hill station has carved a special place in many hearts with its diverse offerings.
Since much has already been said and written about this beautiful city, and most information is readily available online, let me share my perspective—how I saw and experienced it through my lens.

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Member Story

A Journey Through Music and Moments: Visiting Dayanita Singh’s Photography Exhibition at the National Museum, Kolkata

Dayanita Singh’s exhibition at the National Museum, Kolkata, captured the unseen moments of legendary musicians like Ustad Zakir Hussain, Pt Bhimsen Joshi, Ustad Rashid Khan, and Pt Ajay Chakraborty. Her photographs documented their leisure, travels, and camaraderie, particularly on their rented tour bus, which became a space for ‘rewaj.’ The images revealed their humanity beyond fame, portraying joy, reflection, and deep conversations. The visit became even more emotional as Ustad Zakir Hussain had passed away the previous night. The exhibition reinforced photography’s power to preserve legacies, making it a deeply moving experience.

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ROR Learning

On Photography by Susan Sontag

“Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted. Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies; it is

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ROR Update

ফটোগ্রাফির চিঠি – Issue 2 | Jan 2025

ফটোগ্রাফির দ্বিতীয় চিঠি চলে এলো। প্রথম চিঠির উত্তরে আপনার কোন মতামত এখনো পাইনি। কেমন লাগছে, আরো কী কী দরকার বা এমনিই সময় নিয়ে লিখে ফেলুন

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Member Story

Unveiling the World of Art and Photography: A Personal Journey

Embarking on the journey of art and photography has been transformative, marked by losses, gains, and countless experiences. Inspired by a mother’s wisdom on lifelong learning, diving into this world felt fresh. Initial knowledge came from YouTube, but a mentor’s guidance proved pivotal in understanding photography’s technical and emotional aspects. Facing challenges led to resilience and joy in discovery. Mastery of visual elements—line, shape, form, color, texture, space, and value—enhanced the artistic perspective. Experimentation created depth and drama in photographs. This blog series shares insights to inspire others on their artistic exploration, shedding light on the beauty and complexity of art and photography.

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ROR Update

Launching Curated Photography Updates – ফটোগ্রাফির চিঠি

ফটোগ্রাফিতে উৎসাহীদের একটা বড়ো সমস্যা বিশ্বের ফটোগ্রাফির খোঁজ রাখার জন্য আলাদা সময় বার করা সবার পক্ষে সম্ভব হয়ে ওঠে না। বর্তমানে ইণ্টারনেট দুনিয়ায় সঠিক খবর পাওয়াও খুব একটা সহজ নয়। অথচ সিরিয়াস ফটোগ্রাফি চর্চায় ফটোগ্রাফির হালহকিকত সম্বন্ধে সচেতন থাকা অত্যন্ত জরুরি।

মুলতঃ এই সমস্যার কথা মাথায় রেখেই নতুন বছরে “ঋষি অন রাইড”-এর তরফ থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে “ফটোগ্রাফির চিঠি”। বিশ্বের ফোটোগ্রাফির খবরাখবর, ক্যামেরা লেন্স রিভিউ ইত্যাদি বিভিন্ন বিষয় আমরা ‘‘ফটোগ্রাফির চিঠি”-তে অন্তর্ভূক্ত করবো। পাশাপাশি অন্যান্য শিল্পমাধ্যমের দরকারী বা ফটোগ্রাফি সংক্রান্ত বই-এর খবর প্রভৃতি বিষয়ও যোগ হবে।

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Rishi On Ride Youtube Channel

Your Voice

Arijit Biswas
Arijit Biswas
In this course, I have started learning how to connect a character through color. The concept of 'Navarasa' is thoroughly explained in relation to color. If you are interested in delving into the intricacies of color harmony, this course is perfect for you.
Arya Biswas
Arya Biswas
It was a fascinating experience. These 5 sessions just opened a new areas of photography sense. The detailed discussion around the structure of the photograph is very well delivered. Point by point these sessions made me envision the photograph before the photograph is actually captured. It's highly recommended to every type of photographer.
Abhishek Maitra
Abhishek Maitra
Character is one of the most important thing in any visual storytelling. This course help me to get it rightly. Hope I'll practice more and can portray the character in a visual story in the way I want to.