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Chitra Kalpo Drum

‘Drum’ ( দ্রুম ) means tree in Bengali. It’s a book about trees. Arijit envisions the tree in cohesion with human life. The beauty of nature and the beauty of human perception blends together to form a colourful visual platter.First Published: April, 2024
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Cross Road

The first book by Arya looks through a busy road junction in Kolkata. Just for a few hours. The glimpse of life he feels within the mundanely interesting street scenes takes the viewer thinking again of the visual and connotation.First Published: April, 2024
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Adhara Madhuri

The first book of Kousiki contemplates on the characters and places he came up across within a certain time span. Follow his eyes catching some delusive detail of life at his neighborhood supported by a lucid narrative flow.First Published: April, 2024
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📚  Rishi On Ride Publication
  • ●   Just Another Colourful Everyday
  • ●   2.8 Digital Mag
  • ●   Nikhilesh Ebong
  • ●   Cross Road
  • ●   Adhara Madhuri
📚  Bengali Books on Art
  • ●   ছবির চশমা
  • ●   ছবি কাকে বলে
  • ●   জাক দেরিদা – তার বিনির্মাণ
  • ●   মানব প্রকৃতি, ন্যায়নিষ্ঠা বনাম ক্ষমতা
  • ●   এরিস্টটলের পোয়েটিকস ও সাহিত্যতত্ব
📚  English Books on Art
  • ●   A dictionary of symbols
  • ●   Concerning the spiritual in art
  • ●   Leonardo Da Vinci – The marvelous works of nature and man
  • ●   Advanced digital black and white photography
  • ●   The complete dictionary of photography
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Rishi On Ride Publication

Shelf Wood
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Shelf Wood
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শিল্প সম্পর্কিত বাংলা বই

Shelf Wood
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Shelf Wood
click on the books to read – heavy books take a little time to load – please be patient

English Books on Art

Shelf Wood
click on the books to read – heavy books take a little time to load – please be patient
Shelf Wood
click on the books to read – heavy books take a little time to load – please be patient
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