Rishi On Ride 4.0

What is
4.0 ?

In a sense, yes! We always thrive for improvement and analyze our functions regularly. Based on our study and analysis, we try to upgrade existing functions and incorporate new changes. Just like software versions, we give it a version number and keep a changelog of our journey.

Last major change was Rishi On Ride 3.0 rolled out around August, 2023. We introduced ‘Core Membership’ and ‘Webinar’. We also started recording our learning sessions from 3.0.

Explore our journey here.

There are four major changes introduced in Rishi On Ride 4.0

  1. Open Digital Library
  2. Self hosted Social Platform
  3. Dedicated Learning & Community Android App
  4. New Specialist Mentors

Scroll through the page to know more about the changes.

The most important impact we are targeting is to provide a professional platform to the independent & commercial photographers.

Keeping this goal in mind, we introduced member portfolio websites, designed communication platform to collaborate with peers and promote their work.

Addition of curated library to our robust learning portal will now strengthen learning path for our members.

All the features of Rishi On Ride 4.0 is available to Rishi On Ride Community & Core Members.

Community Membership is always FREE. Core Membership has a nominal fee (as low as ₹ 300/month) that can be paid monthly, quarterly or yearly.

To join as a community member, visit our learning portal and just login to create a community account. 

You can explore core membership options here.

The needs we felt....


In process of learning, books are always one of the main resources of knowledge. Learners must have a regular habit of reading that will shape their journey of knowledge.

In today’s world, books are widely available all over the internet. There are very good online libraries as well. However, we always felt dire need of a place where we can find and read photography related books.

Feeling this void, we came up with a digital library curated with Rishi On Ride own publications, photography, art & culture related books. The library is fully accessible to all website visitors.

Community Platform

You learn faster when you learn with a like minded community. Well, photography communities are not scarce these days. However, they always need to completely depend on social media providers like Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp for basic community functions.

As you might imagine these popular social platform comes with irritatingly penetrative ads, commercial algorithm and diverting temptations that creates a roadblock to your learning needs. 

We wished for a social platform free from these evils so that the users can spend quality time and make learning fun.

Rishi On Ride 4.0 introduces Discourse – a fully featured social media platform with post, group, profile, forum. Discourse is not mass social media. Its restricted to invite only and accessible to Community & Core members.

Android App

Most of the users today prefer their needs to be delivered on mobile handset. It clears the web clutter and helps to balance work and learning together. 

Rishi On Ride 4.0 introduces two native android apps focused on learning and community activity. The learning app packs all the features of Learning Portal and the community app gives you easy access to Discourse – our own social media platform.

Both the apps are in process of Google Play Store availability. Currently you can download them safely from Google Drive.

Specialist Mentors

The most important addition in Rishi On Ride 4.0 is the Specialist Mentor panel. While ROR original courses caters to the basic and advanced session on Art of Photography, Specialist Mentor Courses will be more focused of different genres, approach and expressions of photography. 

Designed for both independent and commercial photographers, the special courses will cover two broad sectors of photography – Lifestyle & Nature. Keeping the contemporary user and industry interests in mind, we have chosen four main genres to expand our learning subject coverage – 

  1. Fashion and Studio Light
  2. Wedding & Events 
  3. Wildlife & Birding
  4. Nature & Landscape

All the specialist mentors onboard are senior professionals and respected in the industry for their authority over the medium and inspiring body of work. In coming months, our learning repository will surely be enriched and serve our members more effectively to reach their photography goals.

Stay tuned to know our new mentors!

experience all new

Rishi On Ride 4.0

Authentic . Affordable. Effective

We are trying our best to provide a platform to the independent and commercial photographers that will help to reach their personal and professional goals.

With 10+ designed projects for Learning & Engagement – covering Learning, Exhibition, Publication, Print Sale, Portfolio, Library, Social Media – we believe you got everything you need in your photography journey. Visit our Journey to know more about ongoing projects.

Let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below.

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Rishi On Ride 5.0

The major shift in 5.0 is project based learning. All the learning courses on Rishi On Ride will now focus on creating a body of work first and align learning materials accordingly. This will ensure the embedded learning goals to be achieved.

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